How many times?

Fortunately I was in a good relaxed mood when this happened but it has happened so many times.  When will it ever end?

I’m at the grocery store going towards the check out line.  There is only one line open.  Humpf!

I’m third in line, not a bad place I figure.  At the head of the line is an elderly woman.  She stands there as her items are being scanned and bagged.  Finally when all is done and the total is read to her she begins the process to pay for her items.  Many of us know that we can swipe our credit card in the middle of the action to speed everything along.  Not today.

So she here’s the total and acts surprised that she has to pay now.  She starts rummaging around in her purse, finally comes out with a checkbook.  Now she begins her process of finding a usable check to write on, writes out the check ever-so-slowly, signs it with the speed of a 2nd grader writing in cursive then balances her checkbook before ever surrendering her place on the grocery podium.  All of us in line, as the line has grown, are quiet and polite.  Finally she is done and gets on her way.  Now it’s my turn to put my items on the line.

But wait, another cashier comes and opens the next line.  “I can help whoever is next”.  Well that is actually me but people who have been waiting much less time scoot off to the new line and get through before I even get my items to the cashier.

That’s not how I operate.  I prefer courtesy and offer the “actual” next person this spot.  

Again, fortunately I was in a great frame of mind and took it all in stride.

But I thought it made a funny story that many of you can relate to.


Be kind to othersImage

Another variation I have encountered is a man on the electric cart, waits then has to stand and retrieve his wallet from his back get the bills then sit only to stand again to fish out the coin purse in his front pocket.  You get the idea.

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Bump & Grind

Not what you may think from the title but it’s a happening thing around here.

The street I live on is riddled with potholes.  Deep potholes.  So deep in fact that the reinforcing metal in the concrete is frequently visible.  It is an old road that needs to be replaced.  The city has no money for this so we voted for another penny tax to help pay for this road replacement.  That may take several years to build up the funds unless it too disappears.  So in the mean time they toss blacktop in the holes.  Sometimes they pat it with their shovels and sometimes they even use a mini roller to flatten and smooth the patch.

These patches only last a few weeks then they seem to get even worse.

This last week they have patched a large section of road, the worst part in fact.  However, instead of being holes, or smooth level patches at the original grade, they are raise about an inch and a half above grade.  Now when driving over them, your wheels go up into the car instead of into the ground.  The road seems even more rough now since they are large patches with jutting edges.

The workers are just doing what they are told I understand that.

It’s just a shame that so much time and money goes into so many repeat patches that don’t last instead of using the money to repave the road.  A simple blacktop cover would be great and would buckle less due to our seasonal temperature changes.  

I have never lived in a city that has no money for proper road repair and future replacement.  It’s like a roof on your house.  You start with a new roof.  You know that in 10-20 years you will need to replace it and possibly along the way patch a few areas.  But you know that you will need to save the money for that project.  Some people won’t do that but many responsible home owners will do that.  Prepare, plan and do what needs to be done.  It’s pretty simple.

Just needed to share that.

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Dog vs Car

After dropping my sweetie off at work so she can go on a short trip after work I proceeded home the usual route.  The speed limit is 45 but traffic though light was moving around 50+ mph.  30 yards ahead of me I see an animal sprinting across the 6 land road only to be solidly hit by a car ahead of me.  The car swerved at the last moment but struck the animal hard.  It appeared to be a large pitbull.  I couldn’t see any collar on the dog.  All I saw was the swerve, the hit, debris from the car spraying all over and the dog sailing through the air, spinning like a rag doll.  It ended up on the opposite side of the road lifting its head momentarily.  There is no way the dog will survive.  The driver pulled over to assess the situation.  I knew there was nothing I could do.  I know the dog will die quickly.  It was a very sad thing to see, worse for the dog for sure.  

I have nothing against different breeds of dogs.  I do however have a problem with poor dog owners.  It could have been a stray but I don’t think there are that many around.  Mostly just bad dog owners that do not properly restrain and train their dog.  It is a responsibility that should be taken very seriously.  The dog relies on humans for their survival.  That dog will not survive but their stupid owner will.

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All Weather is Good Weather

Did you ever notice that one of the things we talk about is the weather?

It’s one of those conversation starters.  It’s always occurring.  It’s always changing.  So it’s pretty much always there to talk about.

But what I remember is when someone mentioned the weather, which is usually kind of silly b/c if I look outside I can see the weather.  “Some weather we’re having huh?”  Yup

Now I hear more and more people talking bad about the weather regardless of what it is.

Snowing, hate it!

Raining, this sucks!

Too cloudy, too sunny, too hot, too cold!

Now in my opinion, I like all weather.

Every day I wake up is a good day.

If inclement weather keeps other people inside, that just means there is more open space for me to enjoy in solitude.weatehr

So no matter what the weather is doing outside, I love it.  Tomorrow, we are predicted to get several more inches of snow.  I can guarantee that anyone I hear talking about the weather will be complaining about it.

I on the other hand will tell them that I love it.   I do, I love the snow.  And I love the rain, and the hot humid days.

Again, any day that I wake up is going to be a good day.  Enjoy everything around you.  It is a gift.


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There’s No Driving Like Snow Driving

I’m guessing that a vast majority of drivers on the road by now have nicer cars than mine and have some form of 4 wheel drive, all wheel drive, anti-skid blah blah blah.

I have driven an all wheel drive car in the snow and it was fun.  Too much fun.  I kind of wanted bad weather so I could go out and conquer the snow while laughing at others having trouble.  Give me a break, I was young.

I have a manual front wheel drive car and I get around just fine.  Much better than an automatic without 4 wheel drive.  But there is one thing that most drivers forget about.


Now I also know that those nicer cars have ABS which helps them not skid, which is good.  But generally, when we are driving down the road that is snow, ice and slush covered and suddenly we have to try and stop quickly, we are both in the same boat.  We can’t.

What I wish that those drivers would realize earlier is that just because you can go faster and accelerate faster than me, you can’t really stop much better.  In fact, I use my gears to slow me down and can do so quite quickly without ever touching the brake pedal.  This allows me to stay in great control.

As I have driven in about 30 winters, I have noticed the types of vehicles that are off the road, stuck in a drift or on their roof.  It is nice SUV’s and high end pick up trucks all with 4 wheel drive.  I have passed what looked like auto graveyards.  All it takes is one person to touch their brakes, make their brake lights go on and a catastrophic cascade can and has occurred.  It really wakes you up and puts the fear of God in you.

I drive almost every weekend on a hilly winding road for 2 hours each way.  During the winter the road can become very bad quickly.  Yet as I am being cautions with my speed matching the conditions, I am frequently passed by these people that think they are invincible.  I hope they are but they are also putting others at risk.

Unless you are rushing to the hospital, you probably don’t need to drive that fast in the snow.

So please, slow down, enjoy the ride and scenery.  You never know when your last day to enjoy it will be. snow driving

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A Rose is but a Rose

When I re-met Samantha later in life it didn’t take me long to know that she was the one I should spend my life with.  Things have been very smooth and happy.

Each year I buy a silk rose to signify the time we have spent together.  The silk roses never die or look bad.  They are so life like now.  It is a constant reminder of our enduring love.rose

Each year another rose gets added to the vase.

It has now been 11 years.  But it is a big vase and I look forward to filling it so it is over flowing.

It’s just a small tradition that I started and hope it never ends.

She is very special to me.  I love her with all of my heart.  Forever and always.


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Perspective: Not Just for Drawings

Perspective is one of those things I learned in elementary art class.  One and two point perspective.  It was really neat how things could be drawn to look more real.  Well at I was impressed as a kid in grade school.

Another form of perspective is looking at things from another point of view.

Before you yell at the car in front of you, or think a nasty thought of someone that cut into your line.  Sometimes they are in the wrong and sometimes you don’t always see the big picture.

It’s kind of like the line, “walk a mile in my shoes”.

It will open up your world.perspective

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In a Moment

This morning I went to get gas a block away
Ultra cold out, I didn’t clean the frost from my windshield
Got up to the light, my side turned green but the turn signal was either broken or I just couldn’t see through my windshieldcrash
A car in the opposing side just sat there, I assumed my signal was green so I began to go
The car spun on slippery pavement, the opposing traffic in the second lane was barreling towards me
Apparently, the guy was just sitting there and should have gone
So, it was a near miss
It was my fault, in many ways
They did not use their brakes, only horns and fingers
But a moment too late and things would be much different
All it takes is a moment to change…….to end a life
Please drive safely
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Stress Doesn’t Kill You

All around me, everyday are people suffering from stress.

They think they are unique.  No one can have stress like me, right?

Everyone has stress like you.  It may be unique to you but we all have stress.

Many people get “stressed out”.  It’s not the stress, it’s you.

It isn’t the stress that will kill you, or make you sick or make you feel down.  It’s how you deal with the stress that affects you.

I’ve been there too.  I felt that the world controlled me.  I had no choice how the world would hurt me.  Finally I made a choice to change.  Nothing changed around me.  If anything, there is more stress in my life than ever.  But it is how I choose to deal with it.

I try to let the stress roll off me like water on a ducks back.

It is your choice.  It is up to you.  It is how you deal with it.

Make the right choice.  The best choice.  Let it go and roll with the punches.  You will be ok.stress

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Good is easier than bad

Your neighbors car lights are left on. You are mad at them which will be a totally different blog. You have to think should I tell them and do the simple right thing or decide to ignore the situation so the battery will be dead and run her morning, making her late for work and possibly losing her job. You choose ignore. When it would have been easier to send a text about the lights and get a thanks and make relations better. You know the difference between right and wrong. You chose wrong. No wonder no one respects you any more.

Choose “right”, it’s easier.


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